miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

                                                                                                     Arnau Tubert Ferrer
                                                                                                                          3r ESO


Hello everybody now I want to talk about my last summer holidays. It was fantastic! I’m  talk about my summer camp and my days in Sant Antoni.

Summer camp: This experience was fantastic because I made a lot of friends from Lleida, St Feliu de Codines, Tarragona, Bellpuig and others villages. The summer camp was in La Escala. I went sailing, climbing, snorkelling and learned english! The camp lasted ten days in a hostel.

My days in Sant Antoni: Every years I go to a village near Palamos and Platja Daro. I go with my father my mum my sister my aunts and my cousins. Every morning I went to the beach and in the afternoon I did homework, I met  friends  I went  fishing oI went to PDA or I played football. And one day I went to Aqua Diver and sailing.

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